



Christ Church CE Primary School is a multicultural, inclusive and welcoming school. The children range from proficient users of English to those who are both new to English and new to the country. There are over 25 spoken languages currently in school.


All staff offer a welcoming admission process for the induction, assessment and support of new arrival pupils and their families.


Our written and spoken communication with families and with the community is effective using plain English and translators/interpreters. Many of our documents have visual prompts. We have access to translation software for texts and messages.


We have identified parents speaking many different languages who are available to translate or support new parents. We aim to work closely with members of the wider community to support our families with EAL.


New arrivals are made to feel welcome which enables them to learn as they feel secure and valued. The school welcomes all new arrivals and talks to parents/ carers to find out about previous schooling, languages spoken etc. Interpreters are provided if needed.


As an inclusive school and in order for the children to flourish academically whilst supporting their well-being, children in KS2 who cannot access the KS2 English curriculum are taught by our EAL teacher. KS2 children with no or very little English attend 5x English, phonics and Mathematics lessons in groups that are tailored to their needs and ability. This allows rapid progress to be made and children return to their class when fluent enough to participate in lessons. Younger children usually join their age related class.


Each new child is celebrated and their new class members spend time learning about geographical location, flags, language and culture.


Our diverse staff, allow for tailored and specialist support in both English and other languages. Languages spoken by staff include, Urdu, Arabic, Punjabi, Italian French, Spanish and Portuguese.


Parents’ linguistic, cultural and religious backgrounds are considered when planning the curriculum, e.g. including Islamic Civilisations in the history curriculum and Buddhism in the RE programme of study.  We develop home-school links by encouraging parents to contribute their knowledge and experience to the school’s curriculum.


Here are some websites that you may find useful to support your child at home.